Tuesday, December 25, 2012

"Merry" Christmas...

Well...it's Christmas...

It doesn't really feel like it and it definitely doesn't look like it. Yes, we have the tree and the decorations and the gifts, but we're all sick, or recovering from being sick, or about to get sick. This past week we passed around the stomach bug. Dad's the only one who hasn't gotten it. Mommy got sick this morning.

Yup, it's been very merry around here.

One upside is that our "big" Christmas surprise/celebration isn't until next week when we get to go to Disney World! We're all so excited that we were finally able to make it work and use our Christmas money to go there. Our hope is to go January 2 and stay until the 6th. Hopefully no one will be sick then! :-D

Now hopefully we can brighten your Christmas with a little funny photo from everyone's favorite store, Walmart:

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Of Air Soft Bullets...

This morning I was watching Joshua and Joy Anna while they were playing outside. All was going well and there were no problems until Joshua walked up to me with his finger stuck up his nose as far as it would go. This didn't look good.

"Uh, Danielle? I have an airsoft bullet up my nose."

"You what?!"

"I stuck an airsoft bullet up my nose."

I couldn't believe what he was saying.

"But I've almost got it out." Here his finger goes almost sideways while still inside his nose.

"You know what, Joshua? Maybe we should tell Mommy about this and see if she has any ideas."

Joshua wasn't so keen on that idea, but I marched him inside where I started to explain the situation to Mom. Just then, Joshua lost his balance and toppled over. The force of his landing sent the airsoft bullet flying out of his nose and rolling across the floor. I saw the bullet and started laughing uncontrollably.

Then Joshua stuck his finger back up his nose and gave me a look of surprise, "It isn't there anymore!"

...this family...

I'm Home!!!

Hey guys! I'm home!!!

After five months away in the Philippines, I have returned home! :-D I miss Shiphrah Birthing Home, all the midwives, all my friends, and everything else about the Philippines, but I know that part of my life is over at least for now. Now I'm looking for the nursing school God wants me to go to so I can (someday) become a Certified Nurse Midwife.

Being home is awesome. I love being able to see my family all the time. Even though it's annoying at times, I love it when Joy Anna walks into my room between 7:00 and 7:30 in the morning singing, "Morning, 'Nelle (her name for me)!" She even does it on Saturdays... I love that Promise never stops talking, sometimes even forgetting to take a breath, so that I don't have to talk. She's been my faithful little buddy and, like I said, hasn't stopped talking since I landed. (Her best quote was while I was flying home. She announced, "I'm glad Danielle is coming home so that I now have someone to talk to...besides myself!")

Some days, it feels like I've never been gone. Other days, I feel lost, like everything is so different. Sometimes, the Philippines feels like a far off dream and other times I feel like I just left. It's weird.

But I'm home now and mom said Bunch O' Wilsons is back to me. Be prepared for more crazy stories, pictures, and anything else that might appear on these pages.

You've been Warned!


Sunday, October 28, 2012


Quick update:

Nathan had a phone interview about his Best in Show Kong Entry.  Here is the link to the write-up:


This week will be crazy with all going on, culminating in Nathan's all-day speech and debate competition on Saturday.

Here is a summary of the past several days in pictures:

Thursday night we had a family game night of Wii Outdoor Adventure.  It was a lot of fun.  Andy came in last, though, so there was a re-match Friday.  This is a picture of Andy's "game hat" on Friday.  The flowery doll dress helped him get his game on and he finished third. lol! :)

I love that this picture shows how hard Andy is trying - can you see the sweat on his forehead?! :)

Even Joshua played and did well, winning several events (ok, so he  may have had some help). :)

Joy Anna alternated between cheerleader and pest.  She cheered when it was not Mommy's turn and she could sit in Mommy's lap; otherwise she whined and cried.

Poor Peanut had trouble seeing around Daddy during team competition.  Can you tell Joshua is scared here?!

Serious competition

Isaac in goofball mode.

The PIG's like to take the camera and take pictures and videos.  They have much to learn about photography, and even more to learn about videography.

Peanut, aka The Mad Typer, chatting with Danielle.  Since all three PIGs have learned to type, they love chatting with Danielle whenever they get the chance.

Saturday morning I had the PIG's bathe the dogs.  After the usual whining and complaining they realized that this will be the last time THEY have to bathe the dogs - Danielle will be home in 2 1/2 weeks!  Then they cheered!

The temperature was only about 63 out, so everyone was a little less than appreciative whenever the dogs shook and got them wet. :)

Taking their own picture.

Staal is not enjoying this.

Troy likes baths even less than Staal.

Not sure who took this, but this was Saturday evening's sunset.  I had thought we would get some of hurricane Sandy, but thankfully it decided to miss us.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Birthday & Fair

A post in pictures...

Birthday Girl!  Grace is now a double digit midget! :)

Grace loves presents, and was thrilled at the size of this one!

Happy Face :)

A doll trunk she can decorate herself!

Joshua wants to help, too.

After opening presents we went to the fair.  Nathan's camera took 4th.  He was mad the view finder came off and the judges put it back in the wrong place.  He fixed it while we were there.

Ultimate Satisfaction - Nathan has been trying to win a first place ribbon in the Lego competition for 8 years.  He did it with Kong - and got Best In Show to boot!! 

Though Isaac's Captain America shield did not win any prize ribbon, it had AWESOME presence!

We visited he bunnies.  Isaac and Promise stole the camera.

Joy Anna loved the animals.  She was particularly mesmerized by the pig races!

Joshua and Joy Anna playing outside today.  The two of them playing together reminds me so much of Danielle and Nathan.  It seems just yesterday it was those two who were my babies.

Joy Anna is a speed demon on the plasma car.  She makes me nervous the way she flies down the driveway at break-neck speed.

Joshua had fun trading out riding toys. 

Planning strategy...

Went outside tonight and found the boys playing football.  Or rather, calling it football.  I think it was just an excuse to tackle each other.
I was quite shocked when this vanity plate arrived in the mail.  Andy said he couldn't resist...

They spent a lot of time on the ground...

Boys are a different breed.

The girls played nicely on the zip line. :)

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Officially Licensed

It's official.  Nathan has his driver's license.  He took his test Friday morning and he guesses he did fine - the lady never said a word to him!  He is very excited and has already gotten the scary "first drive alone" over with.  He survived.  And so did the car.  :)

We enjoyed a visit from Grammy.  She took Grace birthday shopping Friday morning.  Grace was very gracious and invited everyone to come along with her as she picked out her pocket knife.  Nathan went shopping with Grammy in the afternoon.  No one else was allowed to come as he looked for new "cool" clothes. :)

We celebrated Grace's birthday dinner tonight - "hot wings", broccoli and cheese sauce, roasted potatoes, and caramelized brussel sprouts. yummm.  Tomorrow we head to the fair.  Pictures to follow...

Officially Licensed!!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Dogs for Danielle

Isaac likes taking pictures and video of the dogs for Danielle.  If it uploads, here is the latest:

Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb

Fair Entries

It's that time of year again!  For the past several years the kids have entered into the fair.  Here are this year's entries:

Before scrolling down - can you guess whose entries are whose?

This is the first year Joshua has entered.  He painted an egg.

Promise also painted an egg.  Grace planned to make a clay creation, but it didn't turn out and so she did not enter it. :(

Promise's egg and Joshua's egg.

Isaac made this cool Lego Captain America shield. Nathan did lots of planning and coaching on it, but Isaac put it all together himself.

Isaac with his shield.

Nathan liked the way his King Kong turned out.  The jaw even moves up and down.

For the North Carolina category Nathan made this Lego film camera in honor of Wilmington, North Carolina, also known as Hollywood East.

And just to drive me crazy, Nathan made this last minute nature craft of a tea party.  He whipped this together in about 30 minutes, when we were suppose to have left to drop off the entries.  He did that last year, too, whipping out a really cool Wright Flyer in the same amount of time.  It got a first place ribbon.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Nathan's 16!

Oh Boy!  Today is Nathan's 16th birthday!  Hard to believe my "little" boy is growing up.   I think he had an enjoyable day, other than the fact that he found out he had to take a midterm for his C programming class.  But he scored a 100%, so he is fine. :)  He enjoyed his requested dinner - fried shrimp, broccoli (okay, I pushed the broccoli), potatoes, and warm bread.  For dessert he had an oreo ice cream cake with hot fudge and cherries.

Next week, DMV for license! :)

We measured Nathan tonight and it's official - he's just shy of 6'3".  I had to stand on a chair to measure him!

Had more pictures on the camera, so enjoy!

This was taken as a joke when Danielle was sending naughty messages about boys. :)

Joy Anna brought Daddy her shoes and asked him to put them on. I don't think this is what she had in mind.

Once she got them on her own feet she was happy. :)

JJ-PIG's decided to play "sub" at the submarine museum.

Look, we are a submarine!

Here was a really cool and rare site - a submarine coming back to port!

The tugs push the sub into the pier.  Not sure I would want to be one of the guys standing on deck if the tug bumped hard.



Nathan notices the color of the balloons...:)

Birthday Boy

Nathan wants to post this card from Grandma Wight. :)

Joy Anna climbed into Nathan's lap to help open his cards.

Nathan's gift from Danielle

Isaac's fair entry - Captain America shield

Nathan's shrimp dinner

Isaac decided Danielle would want a picture of Troy. :)