Every once in a while, I like to flip through my old diary and read what I had written. It's the only journal I've ever actually filled out (it took me four years...) and it's fun to see what I deemed "news-worthy" as a 10-14-year-old.
Anyway, I was reading it two nights ago and actually laughing out loud so I decided to share a couple of the more humorous snippets with y'all!
Enjoy! (Sorry, it's a little long, but it's a fast read...)
4/21/08: "Tomorrow I have testing, so I need to rest my brains."
5/13/08: "Last night, two men from Uganda were at our friend's house. We were invited to go listen to them speak. They introduced themselves as 'handsome and very funny.'...The greatest culture shock for them was american's driving: in Uganda, there are so many potholes, you have to twist and turn. Police know someone's drunk if they just drive straight."
5/14/08: "Last night, we [Nathan and I] dissected a frog. I wasn't looking forward to it, until I got to skin him. I was the best frog surgeon and I identified all his organs! Too bad he wasn't a girl. Oh, and we named him too. Or at least I did: his name is Oliver. Dr. Dobbins [who wrote our science curriculum] said his name was Herbert, but no, his name was Oliver. In case you're interested, he's in the trash can now."
5/28/08: "Yesterday, some friends came over. We dressed up the cat. She wasn't fond of us for the next hour."
7/10/08: "Yesterday, we [Mom, Nathan, and I] started painting the garage, but since Nathan and I can't paint an even layer of paint, Mom told us to fix the 3 PIGs lunch. That's ok, since my new CD came and I was able to listen while fixing lunch."
1/2/09: "One of our friends came over the other day and leaves tomorrow. There have been some not-so-good altercations between her and her parents, so Mom offered to take her to stay at our house. (That's not quite the whole truth, but I shouldn't write anything else, even in my diary...)"
3/10/09: "This morning, I made friendship bread. The small loaves were dry, but the bread wasn't cooked all the way. I picked it up and the whole middle fell out! I decided it was a 'friendship flop.'"
3/13/09: "Yesterday, I decapitated Kirsten [my doll]. Now I'm going to A.C. Moore to buy replacement doll parts."
4/3/09: "Mom's unreasonably mad at everyone and everything."
4/18/09: "Joshua's been quite the pest today. He screamed all morning!"
6/17/09: "Last month, Daddy turned 40! On our way to church that morning, we noticed some chalk notes in the street. They said:
'Awesome Savior'
'Awesome wife'
'Awesome appetite'
'Good man' '
Awesome brother'
'No hair'
'When will Mr. Darst grow up?'
'Frodo lives!'
'Go Canes!'
'Say hello to 2nd 1/2 of life'
'Old man'
'Eat more chocolate'
'No more chalk.'
The signs were all courtesy of Mr. Darst. He wrote the notes all the way from our driveway to the end of our neighborhood (how embarrassing!)."
6/22/09: "Grace was a pain when she woke up. I admit, I almost punched her in the face, until I realized that she would holler loudly and get me in BIG trouble..."
6/26/09: "Last night, when Mom took N to CAP, the kids and I were going to watch the Pixar movie, "Cars." But then the DVD/VHS player broke - with the movie inside it. So then we grabbed a movie to watch on the computer - Windows Media Player wasn't installed. After that, we tried it on the upstairs computer but the monitor broke. Then, Mom got home and the garage door wouldn't close. Oh the joys of technology!"
7/3/09: "Last night, there was a miss-communication between Mom and Dad, so Mom told me and the PIGs not to watch a movie while she took Nathan to CAP since Daddy was going to come home soon. So I tried to keep the kids busy until Dad came home. But they wanted to watch a movie and got cranky and tired. Next, Joshua started screaming. To top it all off, Stall pooped in the corner. It only happens on a Thursday!"
7/20/09: "During church yesterday, Nathan and I sat in the back; our friends (the R family) sat a few rows in front of us, and our other friends (the D family) sat in the middle row. Well, Alison R glanced back at Nathan and thought he was glaring at her, so she started making weird faces back at him. Then she noticed Mrs. D's shocked face. Mrs. D thought Alison was making those faces at her!"
7/21/09: "Yesterday afternoon, Nathan and I were working at our friends house helping them pack up to move. At one point, I was helping the mom clean out their bonus room when I found a picture of her as a senior in high school. "Oh, Barbara," I breathed, "you were so beautiful!" Oops! Thankfully, she didn't take offense!"
8/14/09: "Mommy's trying to sell her hair and there's some creep who's interested in buying it. However, he keeps asking for pictures of Mommy's face and zoomed out pics of her profile. Now he's asking for a video of her getting her hair cut! We're getting uneasy about this weirdo."
9/1/09: "After dinner last night, we watched the video we took of adopting Grace. She came to us immodest, so when 6-year-old Nathan was filming, he said some bizarre things, such as "I can't wait until we take her upstairs and put clothes on her - her bottom's showing!" and "I need to report an accident: Grace just pea-ed on Mom!" His comments, plus his -should we say? - expert, 6-year-old filming made the video VERY hilarious. (At one point, while filming the bar stool Mom was sitting on, he began to cry [think actual tears and sobs], 'Help! I can't find Mommy!')"
9/10/09: "This morning, Staal had his first vet appointment. He was a pesky mess! He barked, whined, squirmed, etc! Then, the vet said that he will need for us to give him eye drops. Oh brother! That'll be interesting!"
9/12/09: "We got to Grammy's house really late last night. No one got to bed before 10:45. Originally, the 3 PIGs were in one bed. That was the stupidest idea ever!"
11/2/09: "On Saturday, we filmed SIN-Derella [if you're confused, pronounce it and if you know Nathan and my personalities, you'll get it!]. While filming scene 4, we started teasing Brittany about a certain young man. We even have a short video clip of Bailey [one of the actresses] shouting, "Brittany loves so-and-so!" Maybe I can use it for blackmail..."
11/4/09: "Joshua's very funny...Promise talks constantly...Isaac is Isaac...Grace, is...well, never mind...Nathan is a mystery still needing to be solved."
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Quick Update
So I don't think I ever fully said what exactly is going on with my plans for next year... Now might be a good time to do that.
Last I posted on Bunch O' Wilsons, I wasn't excepted to Newlife because I was several months younger than they were allowed to accept. It basically sounds like I can apply next year and get in, so that is my current plan.
Now I've ended up with an unexpected gap year. A few years ago, Mom and I listened to a session at the homeschool conference where they were talking about gap years, and I thought, "That's cool, but I've got my life too planned for that to happen!" Yah, right.
To make a long story short, in the last week of June, I'm flying out to Manila, Philippines to volunteer as a missionary midwife at Shiphrah Birthing Center, which is a lot like Newlife just without the extra schooling (yay, no school!). Lord willing, I'll be staying at Shiphrah until November 14, 2012, a week before Thanksgiving. Then I'll come home, not have to miss the holidays, apply to Newlife again, and raise support for that.
Right now, I'm focusing on graduating (graduation's in six weeks!) and raising support to go. In total, I'll need at least $6600 (which seems like a lot to a girl who's never had more than $1000 at one time...) about $1400 a month. But hey, God owns all the money in the universe, and He also wants me to go to Shiphrah, so it will be nothing for Him to give me what I need. Next week, I hope to send out a support letter and get people at least praying for me.
Also, I'm creating a new blog (I know, you thought I had enough already!) for my time in the Philippines since I won't exactly be here to give updates on the Wilson family. So this blog will be going to Nathan during my absence (scary thought!) and I'll be updating my midwifery blog. Go check it out: http://midwife4hisglory.blogspot.com/ I'm still playing around with how it looks, so it might change suddenly, but that's where I'll be posting my midwifery updates. Don't worry, I'll also be updating this blog about the Wilson fam until I leave.
Last I posted on Bunch O' Wilsons, I wasn't excepted to Newlife because I was several months younger than they were allowed to accept. It basically sounds like I can apply next year and get in, so that is my current plan.
Now I've ended up with an unexpected gap year. A few years ago, Mom and I listened to a session at the homeschool conference where they were talking about gap years, and I thought, "That's cool, but I've got my life too planned for that to happen!" Yah, right.
To make a long story short, in the last week of June, I'm flying out to Manila, Philippines to volunteer as a missionary midwife at Shiphrah Birthing Center, which is a lot like Newlife just without the extra schooling (yay, no school!). Lord willing, I'll be staying at Shiphrah until November 14, 2012, a week before Thanksgiving. Then I'll come home, not have to miss the holidays, apply to Newlife again, and raise support for that.
Right now, I'm focusing on graduating (graduation's in six weeks!) and raising support to go. In total, I'll need at least $6600 (which seems like a lot to a girl who's never had more than $1000 at one time...) about $1400 a month. But hey, God owns all the money in the universe, and He also wants me to go to Shiphrah, so it will be nothing for Him to give me what I need. Next week, I hope to send out a support letter and get people at least praying for me.
Also, I'm creating a new blog (I know, you thought I had enough already!) for my time in the Philippines since I won't exactly be here to give updates on the Wilson family. So this blog will be going to Nathan during my absence (scary thought!) and I'll be updating my midwifery blog. Go check it out: http://midwife4hisglory.blogspot.com/ I'm still playing around with how it looks, so it might change suddenly, but that's where I'll be posting my midwifery updates. Don't worry, I'll also be updating this blog about the Wilson fam until I leave.
Friday, March 23, 2012
Hunger Games is out!
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Monday, March 19, 2012
Guess what?!!
Joy Anna's B-Day
Sunday, March 18, 2012
She can Move it, Move it
Joy Anna can walk! Her new preferred mode of travel is on her two feet, weaving like a drunken sailor! Hopefully I'll get some videos up this week of her little toddle for everyone to see!
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
My Bucket List
I found these little "bucket list" ideas and thought it would be fun to make one. Here's mine!
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I was gipped on this one by watching the wrong channel... |
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Pretty much there. :-D |
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Grace whole heartedly agrees with this one! |
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been there, done that. Not cool. I'm not sure why I posted this one. Maybe so I could rant on how awful it was? |
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...maybe... |
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done it but would love to do it again! |
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own a house with this in it! |
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totally going to happen! |
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does a baby shower count? :-D |
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hee hee hee |
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yup! |
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once again, I got gipped on this... |
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Next week!!!!!!! :-D |
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Got one! :-D |
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...gotta be married first... :-D |
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maybe in the Philippines? |
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I chickened out at Cook Out, and besides, it wouldn't totally count... |
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Once again. I chickened out on this one... |
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check! |
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first, you turn them into ice cubes...then you put the cap on and hand it to your friend! :-D |
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Troy would totally hate me! |
Alright, that's (part of) mine. What's yours?
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