As everyone is preparing to go their separate ways (Dad and Danielle to Manila, Nathan to Liberty University's TeenPact camp, Mom and the JJPIGs to Grammy's house), we've been having all sorts of fun. For instance, last night, we ate homemade pizza and Nutterbutter ice cream (the best thing ever!) and watched
The Princess Bride. It was the PIGs first time seeing it (Joshua went to bed) and they loved it. I (Danielle) absolutely love that movie also. It gets funnier each time I watch it. :-D
Then today, we went to our neighbor's pool before they got home (we were in charge of flipping on the lights at night and taking care of the pool while they were in Africa for two weeks) and swam around for about an hour. Everyone had a ton of fun. After that, we made a hodge-podge feast for dinner and had funnel cake for dessert quickly followed by a fun game of "Everything Goes." If you don't know what that game is, you need to get it and check it out. It's the best game EVER!
Tomorrow, Nathan leaves for TeenPact. It'll be sad, but I'll survive.
Tuesday, Dad and I leave for Manila.
Nathan returns in a week, Dad returns in a week. I, of course, have to be different. I don't return home for five months.
Anyway, I love my family. We're crazy and annoying but we're also pretty great!
Night y'all!