Sunday, December 6, 2015

Thanksgiving with the Wilsons!

Jackie and Uncle Matt

Grammy and Dad

Here comes trouble!

Full moons bring out the crazies, so of course it was a full moon while the cousins were here!

The artist at work

Tattooing Sam for our annual movie. This year, it was "Wilsons' Next Top Model"

Dad carving turkey

What's up with the peace sign? Is it the new cool gang sign? 

Everyone's favorite - pies!

Grammy working her magic

I really like this photo - I photographed Aunt Donna through the handle of a plastic bag. It created that cool halo effect

Uncle Matt created camera competition

Isaac watching his beloved Cowboys playing dismally


Petal bread

The other troublesome duo

Grammy and her boys

Weenie roast time!

competition again...

"Hey, look - I found a spider!"

yup, they're up to something


Plasma cars

Very attractive
Over Thanksgiving, we filmed our annual Wilson spoof. In the past, we've filmed "Wilsons' Got Talent," "How Wilsons Eat their Food," and "the Twelve Wilsons of Christmas." This year, it was "Wilsons' Next Top Model." We think it's very funny. :-D

Then everyone went home and we were sad.

Happy Thanksgiving 2015, everybody!

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

The Sun Came Out!

I took Staal outside with me. He stood on the front porch...

...sniffed the air a few times...

...watched the mail lady put mail in the box...
...then laid down on the porch, lazily watching the driveway.

This picture wasn't exactly turn out how I was expecting - I wanted to take a picture of the sun so I set my camera on the settings that would make everything seem darker and then took the picture. Apparently, I did it too dark since this was the result. It looks like the moon!

Joy Anna, who has been cooped up inside for the last several weeks, was extremely happy to run and jump in puddles

She also climbed trees...

...and fell into the creek!