Monday, July 30, 2012

Pix for D-

Danielle has been pining for her mutts, so here are some pix especially for her...

It's the long-nosed mutt brigade.

So I couldn't figure out how to make it turn to face the right way...but you get the POINT! :)  tee hee hee (pun intended!)

Duh, did you call us?

Since Danielle has left, Troy has started being VERY naughty.  He sneaks into the family room with his  "humble little me" attitude and tries to innocently rub against anyone who is there.  NAUGHTY dog!

Just showing the hammock now with the zip-line.  When we had the three families over during the Ken Ham, Answers in Genesis Conference there were about 30 people lined up out here waiting for and watching the zip-line.  It was pretty crazy.

This is still my cook stove.  The new computer for the stove came in, but I'm not scheduled for someone to come put it in until Thursday. Go figure.  

The girls love dressing up Joy Anna and Joshua.  And I think they love being dressed up.

Can you tell he is saying, "Cheeeezzzeeeee?"! :)

He loves me...he loves me not...

Another crazy dress up outfit.

Can you tell Joy Anna is starting to copy Joshua and saying, "cheeeeezzze"?  It's not too flattering on her.. :)


Sometimes life doesn't work out quite the way we plan.  Such was the case for Nathan this weekend.

He left very early Sunday morning for Command and Control School (CCOC) - a Civil Air Patrol (CAP) week long camp with the Air Force Special Forces.  To even be considered as an applicant for this camp, he had to pass a tough physical fitness exam.  He passed.

However, after being accepted to CCOC and reading through the recommended work out regime (5-6 days a week, 1-2 hours per day) to prepare him for the week, he realized that his way of doing some of the exercises were not the special forces way.  So Andy took it upon himself to train Nathan, and train they did!

Nathan made phenomenal strides - from not even being able to really swim the length of the pool, to being able to complete 6 laps in less than 6 minutes!  He went from only being able to do one pull-up, to being able to do six!

Alas, all the training was not quite enough.  When he got to CCOC, the very first thing he had to do was pass the physical fitness test.  And unfortunately, he couldn't quite squeeze out the required number of special forces push ups.  Rats.  Double rats.  All the rest of us were so bummed for him when Nathan called to tell us we needed to pick him up.  The disappointment is huge.  But he is holding his head up and hanging in there.  We are very proud of his effort and fortitude. And he is already planning on what he will do to excel next year at CCOC.  That's my boy.

Another crazy weekend at the Wilson House.  We had our good friends, the Gaynier's, stay with us.  They are currently serving as missionaries with Wycliff Bible Translators in Waxhaw, NC, at the JAARS base.  The funny thing when our two families get together is figuring out who is being called when someone is called.  We both have Danielle's, Isaac Jame's (yes, even the same middle name!), Grace's, and Nathan's (Nathan Andrew, none the less!).  We joke about which names of one another we can use whenever either family grows again! :)  It was fun.  And even more fun, we get to crash on their house next week when we take Nathan down to JAARS for his week long camp with missionary aviators.  He is looking forward to lots of flight time, while the rest of the kids are looking forward to playing with their friends!

Well, it's official.  Danielle takes too many pictures.  She has managed to fill up all the free space allotted for photos with blogspot.  So, we now have to pay in order to continue adding pictures.  The temptation to say forget it is huge, but I know too many folks love her blogs, especially for the photos.  So, it looks like we've got to pay to continue posting her wonderful pictures.  If I can't post photos with this post, they will be on the next one.

The temperatures have been in the high 90's, with 70% + humidity, making the heat index into the 100's, so the kids found indoor activities to keep them busy.  Here is an intense game of Apples to Apples going.  From left to right are: Rachel, Promise, Isaiah, Isaac and Isaac.

Grace and Nathan Andrew

Book worms - Grace, Joseph and Stephen

Nathan ironing his uniform pants.  Can you tell he has bulked up?

Andy trying to teach Joshua how to play Battleship.  As Joshua doesn't yet know his numbers or letters, it was a losing battle (pun intended).

Grace and Isaac coloring

Not a flattering pose, but you can kind of see how buff Nathan's arms are getting.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Lots been going on.  Here is a quick update with some pictures:

- Sad good bye to Maria (see previous post)
- Stove stops working.  Have to wait 8 days for Sears to get repairman out here.  Repairman comes today only to tell me he has to order a new computer.  Will take another week for it to come in, then get to schedule another appointment for someone to come fix it.  Don't like Sears, but thankful for stove being under warranty.  Also thankful for camp stove to use when necessary.
- Helped at the Answers in Genesis Conference at church with Ken Ham and Buddy Davis.  Learned lots and had fun, but very tired.
- Family of 9 stayed with us for the conference.  Lots of food.  Had two families they were friends with over Monday, still lots of  food left over. :)
- Big storm came through this afternoon.  Later, Isaac decided to go clean up the branches down in the driveway.  He suddenly burst back through the front door yelling, "The Honda's rear window is smashed!".  Sure enough, a tree smashed the windshield and dented the trunk.  Bummer.

And now for pix:

Self-containment entertainment.

Joy Anna yelling at Troy to move.  She's not intimidated by the dogs at all, though they knock her down frequently.

Small tree, big mess.

Dented trunk and smashed windshield.  Haven't attempted clean up yet...

This would have been interesting to watch happen, but not so fun to deal with now. Bummer.  Needless to say, we won't be driving it for awhile.

Saying Good Bye

I started to post this last Monday, July 16, 2012, but the day fell apart and it never happened.  We had to say a sad good bye to long time family member and friend, Maria.  We took some last pix to remember her by, then cried over her and loved on her. 

Isaac with Maria

Peanut and Maria.  Maria had taken to scratching her ears, neck and back to the point of making them bleed.  They were pretty nasty.

Amazingly enough, Maria usually tolerated Joy Anna's "lovings".

Maria's favorite spot - on Danielle's pillow looking out the window.

Good night, Dear Maria Kitty.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Cow Appreciation Day

Today was the official unofficial Cow Appreciation Day at Chic-Fil-A.  If you came in wearing a cow outfit, you got a free meal.  So even though everyone is sick with colds, we went to Chic-Fil-A for lunch.  I had thought we could also go for dinner, but dressing everyone up as a cow for one meal was enough for one day.  Enjoy the pix!


Cute cows, but couldn't get Joy Anna to turn around.

What we'll do for a free lunch...

Some funny looking cows...

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Joy Anna!

Chatting with Danielle on Skype almost every morning and night has truly been a great blessing.  However, it does drag me away from the other kids.  The J-PIG's don't mind so much - they can sneak off and do what they want without being tasked with something.  Joy Anna, on the other hand, is beginning to resent the computer and all the time Mommy spends there!

Tonight the poor baby was running around in just a diaper.  She made such a mess of her outfit at dinner that I stripped her down.  I was about to bathe her when Danielle beeped on Skype, so the bath was put on hold.  A while later, as Joy Anna was whining and running around, I caught sight of her diaper!  She had "the plumber" look, as Andy called it!  She had been pulling at it and pushing on it, so it was drooping down and her little crack was showing.  Of course I told Danielle all about it and she wanted pictures.  So, here are the pictures.

This was the first time Joy Anna became "cheesy" and actually smiled and said,"cheese"! 

Love the wrinkling of the nose!

Joy Anna was really "hamming it up"! :) 
Just too cute!!

Love that smile!

Promise didn't want to be left out, so she jumped in, too.

Not very centered, but love that nose wrinkle!

So this one's not so good...

Big Peanut smile.

And per Danielle's request - a pic of the "crack".  We'll show this one the night of her wedding rehearsal. :) 

And in case you needed a closer shot...
Joy Anna actually posed for many of these with a big "cheese" - too cute!!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Picture Update

Daddy arrived safe but tired Wednesday night.  The kids were thrilled to see him, but even more thrilled that our drive to the airport and back provided several fireworks viewing opportunities!  They were glad to not completely miss out.

Skype has been awesome - we can "chat" (ie instant type/message) with Danielle every morning and night.  She was EXTREMELY homesick after Andy left, and it took her a couple days to recover.  But, she has caught her first baby now and the midwives are eager to teach her everything they know, plus let her do it on her own, so she is turning back into her regular old self.  She also took tons of photos and updated her blog, so you can view it at:

Here is a photo update of what we've been doing:

While the big boys were at hockey practice and I was doing school planning, these four were playing dress-up!  It's hard to get a good picture of them that shows off their smiling faces and adorable outfits.  I'm sure Danielle would have done a much better job.

Another attempt at a decent photo... 
Joy Anna had an adorable outfit - butterfly wings over a tu-tu!

Joy Anna is finally allowing me to put up her hair.  She likes the "fountain" on top of her head, as well as the fancy barrettes when I put those in.

Promise wanted to take a picture - can you tell by the "up" angle of the camera?!

Nathan is his father's son.  He LOVES this time of year when the jalapenos are ripe and he can just walk out to the garden and pick them fresh.  This jalapeno sandwich with cheese has two large peppers on it. The smell alone was enough to make my eyes water!

Finding a way to transport his beloved jalapenos. :)

It is love...

Sigh.  Even the bread misses Danielle.  This is a sorry, caved in "brick" of a loaf I made.  Missing the good bread that turns out for Danielle.

Joy Anna loved the frosting of the 4th of July cupcakes Promise made for Daddy's return.  She didn't care so much for the cake...