Chatting with Danielle on Skype almost every morning and night has truly been a great blessing. However, it does drag me away from the other kids. The J-PIG's don't mind so much - they can sneak off and do what they want without being tasked with something. Joy Anna, on the other hand, is beginning to resent the computer and all the time Mommy spends there!
Tonight the poor baby was running around in just a diaper. She made such a mess of her outfit at dinner that I stripped her down. I was about to bathe her when Danielle beeped on Skype, so the bath was put on hold. A while later, as Joy Anna was whining and running around, I caught sight of her diaper! She had "the plumber" look, as Andy called it! She had been pulling at it and pushing on it, so it was drooping down and her little crack was showing. Of course I told Danielle all about it and she wanted pictures. So, here are the pictures.
This was the first time Joy Anna became "cheesy" and actually smiled and said,"cheese"! |
Love the wrinkling of the nose! |
Joy Anna was really "hamming it up"! :) |
Just too cute!! |
Love that smile! |
Promise didn't want to be left out, so she jumped in, too. |
Not very centered, but love that nose wrinkle! |
So this one's not so good... |
Big Peanut smile. |
And per Danielle's request - a pic of the "crack". We'll show this one the night of her wedding rehearsal. :) |
And in case you needed a closer shot... |
Joy Anna actually posed for many of these with a big "cheese" - too cute!!
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