Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Around the House

Mom, Dad, and the kids have been working in the yard every day while I'm doing school to make it pretty for when we host my graduation party (less than 3 weeks away, people!!!). It is absolutely gorgeous so here are some pics.


Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Photo Bomb

Dad was shaving the ceiling...Don't ask...


I did not edit this photo at all... The colors actually look like this!

Dad and Nathan ran a 5k for Cystic Fibrosis and they were given t-shirts. Joy Anna decided she wanted the shirt.

Warning: unless you want crazy silliness, don't ever point a camera at Isaac!


Saturday, April 14, 2012

Peeping Tom

So today I attended a birth and the L&D room had a window which looked out on the Emergency Room parking lot - more specifically, where the ambulances unload their patients. Out of curiosity, I watched one ambulance unload its patient: a healthy-looking, well-dressed young man. At least, he looked healthy and well-dressed from the 4th floor.

He was covered with a sheet and as the EMTs were pushing his stretcher, he moved the sheet down. The EMT next to him snapped it back to its original position. The patient moved it down again. Without bothering to even glance at him, the EMT snapped it right back. This happened two more times before the patient finally gave up.

I have no clue what was actually happening, but from the 4th floor, it was hilarious!

Just for Laughs

Ok, ever since I found out about Pinterest, I've laughed so much. So I thought it would be fun to share some of my favorites...

This would be something Maria would do... 
I can't look at this one without bursting out laughing!

No, girl, I'm sorry - it's cat hair