Saturday, October 4, 2014

Long Time No Post!

It's been forever since I posted because nursing school started and I have been insanely busy!

I don't have time to update everyone, but here's some pictures from the last several weeks (warning: there's a lot of pictures!):

I crocheted a ladybug buddy for my camera :)

I bought the girls a hamster for their birthdays. They named him Pip.

He's a little fatty and the girls love playing with him every morning

As you can tell, his cheeks are stuffed. He would love to eat 3-4 bowls of food a day but we're limiting him to 2.

This face in the window always makes me happy to come home. Whenever he hears me walk up or drive into the driveway, he comes looking, tail wagging enthusiastically.

Fall is coming!

It was raining one day and I set my camera on a shutter speed of 1/5000 of a second and got pictures of actual rain drops!

This kid steals our hearts... :)

Some friends of ours just returned from adopting 6 kids from eastern Europe so this is Joshua greeting them at the airport.

A cute little girl at the airport

I think this is one of my favorite photos ever

Our friend and one of the kids

I went to a friend's wedding and saw my friend, Mrs. H. She and I are both standing in this picture. :)