Thursday, August 30, 2012

Craft Creations

While Grammy was here visiting she took the J-PIG's to AC Moore to find some crafts.  The kids had a blast and are very proud of their creations.  The girls took the pictures to show Danielle.

Joshua made a church bird house.  He had fun painting the "blatts" as he called them!

Picasso would be proud

I'm a little bird house, short and stout...

The duplex bird apartment even included hearts, courtesy of sister influence of course.

Isaac, desperate to make another movie with his older bro specifically designed this impressive chess to be of use in an upcoming film.

Being told by his sisters to smile, this is how Isaac posed.

Grace is very proud oh her fancy jewelry box.

Gotta love a jewelry box that is inlaid with jewels! :)

Grace had fun making every divider colorful and pretty.

Promise loves the jewels, too.

She didn't go quite as crazy as her sister...

The inside of Promise's box.

Saturday, August 25, 2012


Today we had the most wonderful reprieve from the heat!  It was about 70 with a slight breeze blowing - truly heavenly (and rare) for August in North Carolina!  Needless to say, we spent most of the afternoon outside.

The kids played hockey.  Staal, living up to his namesake, joined them. 
Staal loves being in the middle of any commotion.  He barks as loudly and frequently as possible to add his share of noise and chaos.

In the fray.

Staal never quite figured out that you went after the puck, not the stick.

Joy Anna preferred her hands to the stick.

One on one.

Isaac had two hockey practices today so he did not put his skates on.

Joshua got on his skates and Joy Anna finally joined the game with a stick.

Playing with her favorite "Na-Na".

Everybody has a stick.

Joshua did fairly well pushing the puck.

Getting skates on.

Too cute to not photograph. :)

Grace helped Joshua get his skates on.

First time up in awhile, Joshua was a little wobbly at first.

Smile boy.

Joshua spent a bit of time on his bum.  Good thing he knows how to fall. :)

Joy Anna now loves Grammy.  She even has a name for Grammy that sounds something like "Ga-Ga".

Grammy lovins.

The weather was cool enough that Grammy needed a sweater.

Grammy and her big boy.



Joshua playing some game.



Joy Anna eating a puck.

Yard Maintenance Crew.


Joshua turned 4!  He was thrilled to get to have his birthday...usually when the kids ask me about their birthdays I respond that all birthdays are cancelled.  When Joshua asked if his birthday was cancelled I said, "No, we don't stop at three!" :)  For his birthday dinner he chose hot dogs, homemade macaroni and cheese, pineapple and for dessert, chocolate cake with white icing and m&m's.  Enjoy the pix!

The Birthday Boy!

Special treat - Danielle joined us via Skype video for present opening!

Finding the right angle for the computer so that Danielle can also watch.

Joshua gets help from PIG's opening presents and reading cards.

The girls show off Joshua's new clothes.

Joshua LOVED the fancy "J" Nathan made on his present.

Opening his first ever...Lego toy, compliments of Nathan, who said he needed to start Joshua off right!

Fancy "wrapping paper" (i.e. a Walmart bag) from the PIG's - they gave Joshua some of their Playmobiles.

Joshua loved his Spiderman puzzle from Danielle.

Joshua now has his own (educational) computer game.

Nathan spent part of the morning teaching Joshua how to follow Lego directions and putting together his new Lego Avengers' truck.

Chocolate cake, white buttercream icing (note to Danielle - I found an AWESOME frosting recipe. I saved it in the desserts file), and m&m's.

Grace and Promise decorated with the m&m's - think they missed any spots?! :)