Saturday, May 26, 2012

Sneaking around the house while they're asleep

At the homeschool conference today, I saw a family I wanted to introduce myself to. They had no idea who I was, but I knew exactly who they were. In fact, I had been at their house in the middle of the night while they were all asleep and they never knew I was there.

Before you start thinking I was up to trouble, let me quickly explain.

A few months ago, I attended my second-to-last homebirth. The couple who was having the baby were renting an apartment attached to someone's house. I arrived at the birth around 1:30am (first time showing up before the midwife!), the baby was born about 2:15am, and I left around 5:15am.  For the midwife and I to use the bathroom, we had to go into the family's house so we were quietly sneaking around the landlord's downstairs.

As I was sneaking through the downstairs to get to the bathroom, I passed the kitchen table. It was a looooong kitchen table with many seats. Then, I noticed that at each spot was a stack of books and other stuff (similar to what my mom does - if you leave something on her counter, it ends up at your spot at breakfast the next morning). I recognized most of the books as homeschooling books and thought, "Oh, cool!"

Then, at the two-week visit after the baby was born, we went into the downstairs to take pictures of everyone. I saw a picture of the homeschooling family and recognized them. I saw them today and introduced myself.

After I clarified why I had been in his house, the dad started laughing and called his wife over, "Hey, honey, this girl was at our house in the middle of the night a few months ago!" Her face was priceless. :-D

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