Saturday, July 7, 2012

Picture Update

Daddy arrived safe but tired Wednesday night.  The kids were thrilled to see him, but even more thrilled that our drive to the airport and back provided several fireworks viewing opportunities!  They were glad to not completely miss out.

Skype has been awesome - we can "chat" (ie instant type/message) with Danielle every morning and night.  She was EXTREMELY homesick after Andy left, and it took her a couple days to recover.  But, she has caught her first baby now and the midwives are eager to teach her everything they know, plus let her do it on her own, so she is turning back into her regular old self.  She also took tons of photos and updated her blog, so you can view it at:

Here is a photo update of what we've been doing:

While the big boys were at hockey practice and I was doing school planning, these four were playing dress-up!  It's hard to get a good picture of them that shows off their smiling faces and adorable outfits.  I'm sure Danielle would have done a much better job.

Another attempt at a decent photo... 
Joy Anna had an adorable outfit - butterfly wings over a tu-tu!

Joy Anna is finally allowing me to put up her hair.  She likes the "fountain" on top of her head, as well as the fancy barrettes when I put those in.

Promise wanted to take a picture - can you tell by the "up" angle of the camera?!

Nathan is his father's son.  He LOVES this time of year when the jalapenos are ripe and he can just walk out to the garden and pick them fresh.  This jalapeno sandwich with cheese has two large peppers on it. The smell alone was enough to make my eyes water!

Finding a way to transport his beloved jalapenos. :)

It is love...

Sigh.  Even the bread misses Danielle.  This is a sorry, caved in "brick" of a loaf I made.  Missing the good bread that turns out for Danielle.

Joy Anna loved the frosting of the 4th of July cupcakes Promise made for Daddy's return.  She didn't care so much for the cake...

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