Friday, June 29, 2012

Fun at Grammy's!

Praise God for Skype!  I've been able to see and talk with Danielle and Andy every morning and evening. It's very convenient that Danielle picked a country to stay in that is 12 hours difference from us - makes talking doable.  I think I may survive her being gone if we get to video talk each day.

I talked with Nathan very briefly last night.  He called to get my permission for him to ski. Yes, you read that right - ski!  And snow ski at that!  I guess Liberty University has the country's only man-made ski slope, and the Teenpacters got to use it last night.  He was excited, even though he has never been on skis before.  I didn't receive any further calls so I guess he did not break a leg.  When I asked him how he was enjoying the week there was a brief pause, then he replied that it was a LOT of work.  He said he was getting more sleep than the other kids - he had 4 hours but the rest only 2 - as it took that much time to get homework done and briefs prepared.  Ought to be interesting to hear all about the week in full when we pick him up tomorrow.

To beat the triple digit heat trend of the week, we've spent some time in the lake.  Grammy's friend has a beach and we have been swimming there since the water level is too low to get the boat in the water. Enjoy the photos!

This was the neighbor's huge float - the kids had a blast playing in it!

Even Joy Anna loved the water.

She did not like losing her balance.

Joshua had fun.  He is a water rat and does great swimming with a life vest. No fear of the water.

Isaac is a goofball.

The beach area was quite large, but we staying in the water - too hot to do anything else.

Promise watering Grammy's plants.


Joy Anna usually loves the swing.

Joshua's face is a mess.  He has a shiner from crashing on his trike before we came.  Then he is also covered in mosquito bites. The bugs love him - no one else has bites but he has them everywhere.

Isaac is trying to give his "cool guy" look.

But he looks much more handsome here.

The kids were all taking turns with the camera. Grace did pretty well on this one.

I'm sure Danielle will fuss that these aren't edited.  She can go in and fix them for me! :)


Grammy and PIG's

Grammy and JPIG's

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