So after a rough first day, Nathan is up and about. Other than not eating solids, you can't even tell he had his wisdom teeth out! We kept ice packs on his cheeks ALL day yesterday, and he has no swelling today. WOW! He participated in 2 hockey practices, mowed the yard, and made a Lego movie today. He's kept the ibuprofen going, but he didn't slow down one bit. I'm impressed!
A funny story about yesterday: When Nathan first got up to change his packing, he felt light headed. I was with him in the bathroom helping him with the gauze when he said, "I'm going to pass out." He sat down without fainting, thankfully, but was not feeling well. After a bit he recovered. We finished changing out the gauze and got him back into bed, but not before I had a good look at his bottom teeth. "Oh no!" I instantly thought to myself, "the oral surgeon messed up his bottom teeth!" Alarmed, I asked Nathan if he had seen his bottom teeth. He said he hadn't, but asked why. I told him they were no longer straight and I was going to kill the surgeon! He must have messed them up! In my riled up state, I called the surgeon. I had to leave a message. I was convinced he must have really torqued on Nathan's teeth pulling them out and twisted up the bottom ones! I see my silliness now, but I was too mad to see it then - Nathan was my one child who was NOT suppose to need braces! Oh well. Thankfully the surgeon was very patient. He assured me he could not have moved his teeth at all during surgery. I realize how crazy he must have thought I was! Then he asked me when I last saw Nathan's teeth? had been a long time. Silly over-reacting Mommy!
So now Nathan needs to go see the orthodontist. Bummer.
And speaking of teeth, Promise has shark teeth! Her two bottom teeth came in...behind the baby ones! I keep telling her to wiggle the baby ones, but she won't. I resorted to bribery and told her if she can wiggle them out before the dentist pulls them out on Sept. 6th, the Daddy tooth-troll will bring her $10 PER TOOTH. Grace and Isaac lamented the injustice - they only get a quarter a tooth, but it's much cheaper to pay Peanut $20 to get her teeth out herself than to pay the dentist his bill. Unfortunately, she still hasn't wiggled them...
Look - no swelling! Amazing! |
Handsome man! |
Can you see the shark teeth?! |
My non-wiggler. :) |
Grace with the Princess Leah look! |
Hmmmm...where did all my popcorn go?! |
Joy Anna into mischief. She has a fascination with the Hershey's baking cocoa container. Tonight she got the lid off, stuck her finger in and tasted it. Amazingly, she didn't shrivel into a pucker but rather stuck her finger back in for another taste! |
cheeeeeezzzzzeeee |
HI! |
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